Publications Forthcoming Nanni, Anastasia; Ordanini, AndreaUnintended consequences of in-store technology for frontline employees: an empirics-first approachJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, Forthcoming Hong, Sungtak; Misra, KanishkaThe impact of commodity taxation on product variety: a multi-category investigationMARKETING LETTERS, Forthcoming Varga, Marton; Albuquerque, PauloThe impact of negative reviews on online search and purchase decisionsJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, Forthcoming Hong, Jennifer Seokhwa; Longoni, Chiara; Morwitz, Vicki G.Proximity bias: Interactive effect of spatial distance and outcome valence on probability judgmentsJOURNAL OF CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY, Forthcoming Kanuri, Vamsi K.; Habel, Johannes; Chaker, Nawar N.; Rangarajan, Deva; Guenzi, PaoloB2B online sales pushes: whether, when, and why they enhance sales performancePRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, Forthcoming Cillo, Paola; Rubera, GaiaGenerative AI in innovation and marketing processes: a roadmap of research opportunitiesJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, Forthcoming Silverman, Jackie; Barnea, UriThe prediction order effect: people are more likely to choose improbable outcomes in later predictionsMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Forthcoming2024 Yoon, Heeyoung; Meyvis, TomConsuming regardless of preference: consumers overestimate the impact of liking on consumptionTHE JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, 2024 Carbone, Erin; Loewenstein, George; Scopelliti, Irene; Vosgerau, JoachimHe said, she said: gender differences in the disclosure of positive and negative informationJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2024 Mohsenin, Shahryar; Munz, Kurt P.Gender-Ambiguous Voices and Social DisfluencyPSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 20242023 Longoni, Chiara; Cian, Luca; Kyung, Ellie J.Algorithmic transference: people overgeneralize failures of AI in the governmentJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2023 Giavazzi, Francesco; Iglhaut, Felix; Lemoli, Giacomo; Rubera, GaiaTerrorist attacks, cultural incidents, and the vote for radical parties: analyzing text from TwitterAMERICAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, 2023 Montaguti, Elisa; Valentini, Sara; Vecchioni, FedericaContent that engages your customers: the role of brand congruity and promotions in social mediaJOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING, 2023 Moon, Sungkyun; Tuli, Kapil R.; Mukherjee, AnirbanDoes disclosure of advertising spending help investors and analysts?JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2023 Jung, Minah H.; Smeets, Paul; Stoop, Jan; Vosgerau, JoachimSocial status and unethical behavior: two replications of the field studies in Piff et al. (2012)JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. GENERAL, 2023 De Luca, Luigi M.; Rossi, Andrea; Sumar, Zahir; Troilo, GabrieleDigital transformation in the making: lessons from a large energy companyThe PDMA handbook of innovation and new product development, 2023 Bas, Burcak; Vosgerau, Joachim; Ciulli, RacheleNo evidence that experiment aversion is not a robust empirical phenomenonPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 20232022 Kuehn, Sarah; Vosgerau, JoachimThe public’s overestimation of immorality of formerly incarcerated peopleJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY, 2022 Longoni, Chiara; Cian, LucaArtificial Intelligence in utilitarian vs. hedonic contexts: the “word-of-machine” effectJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2022 Kim, Jessica Jumee; Wilbur, Kenneth C.Proxies for legal firearm prevalenceQUANTITATIVE MARKETING AND ECONOMICS, 2022 Van Bavel, J. J. et al. National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic: Results from 67 countriesNATURE COMMUNICATIONS Schweidel, David A; Bart, Yakov; Inman, J Jeffrey; Stephen, Andrew T.; Libai, Barak; Andrews, Michelle; Rosario, Ana Babić; Chae, Inyoung; Chen, Zoey; Kupor, Daniella; Longoni, Chiara; Thomaz, FelipeHow consumer digital signals are reshaping the customer journeyJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, 2022 Gal-Or, Esther; Shi, QiaoniDesigning Entry Strategies for Subscription PlatformsMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2022 Barnea, Uri; Meyer, Robert J.; Nave, GideonThe effects of content ephemerality on information processingJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2022 Greenberg, Adam Eric; Hershfield, Hal E.; Shu, Suzanne B.; Spiller, Stephen A.What motivates social security claiming intentions? Testing behaviorally-informed interventions alongside individual differencesJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 20222021 De Luca, Luigi M.; Herhausen, Dennis; Troilo, Gabriele; Rossi, AndreaHow and when do big data investments pay off? The role of marketing affordances and service innovationJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, 2021 Rossi, Federico; Rubera, GaiaMeasuring competition for attention in social media: National Women’s Soccer League players on TwitterMARKETING SCIENCE, 2021 Fossen, Beth; Mallapragada, Girish; De, AnweshaImpact of political television advertisements on viewers’ response to subsequent advertisementsMARKETING SCIENCE, 2021 Jachimowicz, Jon M.; Mo, Ruo; Greenberg, Adam Eric; Jeronimus, Bertus; Whillans, Ashley V.Income more reliably predicts frequent than intense happinessSOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL & PERSONALITY SCIENCE, 2021 Borghini, Stefania; Sherry, John F.; Joy, AnnammaAttachment to and detachment from favorite stores: an affordance theory perspectiveTHE JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, 2021 Gladstone, Joe J.; Jachimowicz, Jon M.; Greenberg, Adam Eric; Galinsky, Adam D.Financial shame spirals: how shame intensifies financial hardshipORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, 2021 Valsesia, Francesca; Nunes, Joseph C.; Ordanini, AndreaI am not talking to you: partitioning an audience in an attempt to solve the self-promotion dilemmaORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, 2021 Nunes, Joseph C.; Ordanini, Andrea; Giambastiani, GaiaThe concept of authenticity: what it means to consumersJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2021 Cadario, Romain; Longoni, Chiara; Morewedge, Carey KUnderstanding, explaining, and utilizing medical artificial intelligenceNATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR, 20212020 Malshe, Ashwin; Colicev, Anatoli; Mittal, VikasHow main street drives Wall Street: customer (dis)satisfaction, short sellers, and abnormal returnsJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2020 Kim, Chul; Kannan, Pallassana; Trusov, Michael; Ordanini, AndreaModeling dynamics in crowdfundingMARKETING SCIENCE, 2020 Vosgerau, Joachim; Scopelliti, Irene; Eun Huh, YoungExerting self-control ≠ sacrificing pleasureJOURNAL OF CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY, 2020 Valentini, Sara; Orsingher, Chiara; Polyakova, AlexandraCustomers’ emotions in service failure and recovery: a meta-analysisMARKETING LETTERS, 2020 Valentini, Sara; Neslin, Scott A.; Montaguti, ElisaIdentifying omnichannel deal prone segments, their antecedents, and their consequencesJOURNAL OF RETAILING, 2020 Schoenmueller, Verena; Netzer, Oded; Stahl, FlorianThe polarity of online reviews: prevalence, drivers and implicationsJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2020 Munz, Kurt P.; Jung, Minah H.; Alter, Adam L.Name similarity encourages generosity: a field experiment in email eersonalizationMARKETING SCIENCE, 2020 Colm, Laura; Ordanini, Andrea; Bornemann, TorstenDynamic governance matching in solution developmentJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 20202019 Vosgerau, Joachim; Simonsohn, Uri; Nelson, Leif D.; Simmons, Joseph P.99% impossible: a valid, or falsifiable, internal meta-analysisJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. GENERAL, 2019 Colicev, Anatoli; Kumar, Ashish; O'Connor, PeterModeling the relationship between firm and user generated content and the stages of the marketing funnelINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING, 20192018 Brandimarte, Laura; Vosgerau, Joachim; Acquisti, AlessandroDifferential discounting and present impact of past informationJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. GENERAL, 2018 John, Leslie K.; Loewenstein, George; Acquisti, Alessandro; Vosgerau, JoachimWhen and why randomized response techniques (fail to) elicit the truthORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, 2018 Colicev, Anatoli; Malshe, Ashwin; Pauwels, Koen; O'Connor, PeterImproving consumer mindset metrics and shareholder value through social media: The different roles of owned and earned mediaJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2018 Lupoli, Matthew J.; Levine, Emma E.; Greenberg, Adam E.Paternalistic liesORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, 2018 Alavi, Sascha; Habel, Johannes; Guenzi, Paolo; Wieseke, JanThe role of leadership in salespeople’s price negotiation behaviorJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, 2018 Cillo, Paola; Griffith, David A.; Rubera, GaiaThe new product portfolio innovativeness–stock returns relationship: the role of large individual investors’ cultureJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2018 Ordanini, Andrea; Nunes, Joseph C.; Nanni, AnastasiaThe featuring phenomenon in music: how combining artists of different genres increases a song’s popularityMARKETING LETTERS, 20182017 Troilo, Gabriele; De Luca, Luigi M.; Guenzi, PaoloLinking data-rich environments with service innovation in incumbent firms: a conceptual framework and research propositionsTHE JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 2017 Rubera, Gaia; Kirca, Ahmet H.You gotta serve somebody: the effects of firm innovation on customer satisfaction and firm valueJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, 2017 Colm, Laura Ingrid Maria; Ordanini, Andrea; Parasuraman, Parsu A.When service customers do not consume in isolation: a typology of customer copresence influence modes (CCIMs)JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH, 20172016 Huh, Young Eun; Vosgerau, Joachim; Morewedge, CareySelective sensitization: consuming a food activates a goal to consume its complementsJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2016 Hong, Sungtak; Misra, Kanishka; Vilcassim, Naufel J.The perils of category management: The effect of product assortment on multicategory purchase incidenceJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2016 Valsesia, Francesca; Nunes, Joseph Carlo; Ordanini, AndreaWhat wins awards is not always what I buy: how creative control affects authenticity and thus recognition (but not liking)THE JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, 20162015 Rubera, GaiaDesign innovativeness and product sales' evolutionMARKETING SCIENCE, 20152014 Rubera, Gaia; Tellis, GerardSpinoffs versus Buyouts: Profitability of Alternate Routes for Commercializing InnovationsSTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 2014 Scopelliti, Irene; Cillo, Paola; Busacca, Bruno Giuseppe; Mazursky, DavidHow Do Financial Constraints Affect Creativity?THE JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 20142012 Rubera, Gaia; A. KircaFirm Innovativeness and its Performance Outcomes: A Meta-analytic Review and Theoretical IntegrationJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 20122010 Visconti, Luca Massimiliano; J. F. Jr Sherry; Borghini, Stefania; L., AndersonStreet art, sweet art? Reclaiming the "Public" in public placeTHE JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, 2010 Stefania Borghini; J.F. Sherry; A. Joy Attachment to and Detachment from Favorite Stores: An Affordance Theory PerspectiveJournal of Consumer Research, 47, April, 890-913
Nanni, Anastasia; Ordanini, AndreaUnintended consequences of in-store technology for frontline employees: an empirics-first approachJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, Forthcoming
Hong, Sungtak; Misra, KanishkaThe impact of commodity taxation on product variety: a multi-category investigationMARKETING LETTERS, Forthcoming
Varga, Marton; Albuquerque, PauloThe impact of negative reviews on online search and purchase decisionsJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, Forthcoming
Hong, Jennifer Seokhwa; Longoni, Chiara; Morwitz, Vicki G.Proximity bias: Interactive effect of spatial distance and outcome valence on probability judgmentsJOURNAL OF CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY, Forthcoming
Kanuri, Vamsi K.; Habel, Johannes; Chaker, Nawar N.; Rangarajan, Deva; Guenzi, PaoloB2B online sales pushes: whether, when, and why they enhance sales performancePRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, Forthcoming
Cillo, Paola; Rubera, GaiaGenerative AI in innovation and marketing processes: a roadmap of research opportunitiesJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, Forthcoming
Silverman, Jackie; Barnea, UriThe prediction order effect: people are more likely to choose improbable outcomes in later predictionsMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Forthcoming
Yoon, Heeyoung; Meyvis, TomConsuming regardless of preference: consumers overestimate the impact of liking on consumptionTHE JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, 2024
Carbone, Erin; Loewenstein, George; Scopelliti, Irene; Vosgerau, JoachimHe said, she said: gender differences in the disclosure of positive and negative informationJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2024
Mohsenin, Shahryar; Munz, Kurt P.Gender-Ambiguous Voices and Social DisfluencyPSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 2024
Longoni, Chiara; Cian, Luca; Kyung, Ellie J.Algorithmic transference: people overgeneralize failures of AI in the governmentJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2023
Giavazzi, Francesco; Iglhaut, Felix; Lemoli, Giacomo; Rubera, GaiaTerrorist attacks, cultural incidents, and the vote for radical parties: analyzing text from TwitterAMERICAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, 2023
Montaguti, Elisa; Valentini, Sara; Vecchioni, FedericaContent that engages your customers: the role of brand congruity and promotions in social mediaJOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING, 2023
Moon, Sungkyun; Tuli, Kapil R.; Mukherjee, AnirbanDoes disclosure of advertising spending help investors and analysts?JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2023
Jung, Minah H.; Smeets, Paul; Stoop, Jan; Vosgerau, JoachimSocial status and unethical behavior: two replications of the field studies in Piff et al. (2012)JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. GENERAL, 2023
De Luca, Luigi M.; Rossi, Andrea; Sumar, Zahir; Troilo, GabrieleDigital transformation in the making: lessons from a large energy companyThe PDMA handbook of innovation and new product development, 2023
Bas, Burcak; Vosgerau, Joachim; Ciulli, RacheleNo evidence that experiment aversion is not a robust empirical phenomenonPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2023
Kuehn, Sarah; Vosgerau, JoachimThe public’s overestimation of immorality of formerly incarcerated peopleJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY, 2022
Longoni, Chiara; Cian, LucaArtificial Intelligence in utilitarian vs. hedonic contexts: the “word-of-machine” effectJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2022
Kim, Jessica Jumee; Wilbur, Kenneth C.Proxies for legal firearm prevalenceQUANTITATIVE MARKETING AND ECONOMICS, 2022
Van Bavel, J. J. et al. National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic: Results from 67 countriesNATURE COMMUNICATIONS
Schweidel, David A; Bart, Yakov; Inman, J Jeffrey; Stephen, Andrew T.; Libai, Barak; Andrews, Michelle; Rosario, Ana Babić; Chae, Inyoung; Chen, Zoey; Kupor, Daniella; Longoni, Chiara; Thomaz, FelipeHow consumer digital signals are reshaping the customer journeyJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, 2022
Gal-Or, Esther; Shi, QiaoniDesigning Entry Strategies for Subscription PlatformsMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2022
Barnea, Uri; Meyer, Robert J.; Nave, GideonThe effects of content ephemerality on information processingJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2022
Greenberg, Adam Eric; Hershfield, Hal E.; Shu, Suzanne B.; Spiller, Stephen A.What motivates social security claiming intentions? Testing behaviorally-informed interventions alongside individual differencesJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2022
De Luca, Luigi M.; Herhausen, Dennis; Troilo, Gabriele; Rossi, AndreaHow and when do big data investments pay off? The role of marketing affordances and service innovationJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, 2021
Rossi, Federico; Rubera, GaiaMeasuring competition for attention in social media: National Women’s Soccer League players on TwitterMARKETING SCIENCE, 2021
Fossen, Beth; Mallapragada, Girish; De, AnweshaImpact of political television advertisements on viewers’ response to subsequent advertisementsMARKETING SCIENCE, 2021
Jachimowicz, Jon M.; Mo, Ruo; Greenberg, Adam Eric; Jeronimus, Bertus; Whillans, Ashley V.Income more reliably predicts frequent than intense happinessSOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL & PERSONALITY SCIENCE, 2021
Borghini, Stefania; Sherry, John F.; Joy, AnnammaAttachment to and detachment from favorite stores: an affordance theory perspectiveTHE JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, 2021
Gladstone, Joe J.; Jachimowicz, Jon M.; Greenberg, Adam Eric; Galinsky, Adam D.Financial shame spirals: how shame intensifies financial hardshipORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, 2021
Valsesia, Francesca; Nunes, Joseph C.; Ordanini, AndreaI am not talking to you: partitioning an audience in an attempt to solve the self-promotion dilemmaORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, 2021
Nunes, Joseph C.; Ordanini, Andrea; Giambastiani, GaiaThe concept of authenticity: what it means to consumersJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2021
Cadario, Romain; Longoni, Chiara; Morewedge, Carey KUnderstanding, explaining, and utilizing medical artificial intelligenceNATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR, 2021
Malshe, Ashwin; Colicev, Anatoli; Mittal, VikasHow main street drives Wall Street: customer (dis)satisfaction, short sellers, and abnormal returnsJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2020
Kim, Chul; Kannan, Pallassana; Trusov, Michael; Ordanini, AndreaModeling dynamics in crowdfundingMARKETING SCIENCE, 2020
Vosgerau, Joachim; Scopelliti, Irene; Eun Huh, YoungExerting self-control ≠ sacrificing pleasureJOURNAL OF CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY, 2020
Valentini, Sara; Orsingher, Chiara; Polyakova, AlexandraCustomers’ emotions in service failure and recovery: a meta-analysisMARKETING LETTERS, 2020
Valentini, Sara; Neslin, Scott A.; Montaguti, ElisaIdentifying omnichannel deal prone segments, their antecedents, and their consequencesJOURNAL OF RETAILING, 2020
Schoenmueller, Verena; Netzer, Oded; Stahl, FlorianThe polarity of online reviews: prevalence, drivers and implicationsJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2020
Munz, Kurt P.; Jung, Minah H.; Alter, Adam L.Name similarity encourages generosity: a field experiment in email eersonalizationMARKETING SCIENCE, 2020
Colm, Laura; Ordanini, Andrea; Bornemann, TorstenDynamic governance matching in solution developmentJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2020
Vosgerau, Joachim; Simonsohn, Uri; Nelson, Leif D.; Simmons, Joseph P.99% impossible: a valid, or falsifiable, internal meta-analysisJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. GENERAL, 2019
Colicev, Anatoli; Kumar, Ashish; O'Connor, PeterModeling the relationship between firm and user generated content and the stages of the marketing funnelINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING, 2019
Brandimarte, Laura; Vosgerau, Joachim; Acquisti, AlessandroDifferential discounting and present impact of past informationJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. GENERAL, 2018
John, Leslie K.; Loewenstein, George; Acquisti, Alessandro; Vosgerau, JoachimWhen and why randomized response techniques (fail to) elicit the truthORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, 2018
Colicev, Anatoli; Malshe, Ashwin; Pauwels, Koen; O'Connor, PeterImproving consumer mindset metrics and shareholder value through social media: The different roles of owned and earned mediaJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2018
Lupoli, Matthew J.; Levine, Emma E.; Greenberg, Adam E.Paternalistic liesORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, 2018
Alavi, Sascha; Habel, Johannes; Guenzi, Paolo; Wieseke, JanThe role of leadership in salespeople’s price negotiation behaviorJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, 2018
Cillo, Paola; Griffith, David A.; Rubera, GaiaThe new product portfolio innovativeness–stock returns relationship: the role of large individual investors’ cultureJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2018
Ordanini, Andrea; Nunes, Joseph C.; Nanni, AnastasiaThe featuring phenomenon in music: how combining artists of different genres increases a song’s popularityMARKETING LETTERS, 2018
Troilo, Gabriele; De Luca, Luigi M.; Guenzi, PaoloLinking data-rich environments with service innovation in incumbent firms: a conceptual framework and research propositionsTHE JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 2017
Rubera, Gaia; Kirca, Ahmet H.You gotta serve somebody: the effects of firm innovation on customer satisfaction and firm valueJOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, 2017
Colm, Laura Ingrid Maria; Ordanini, Andrea; Parasuraman, Parsu A.When service customers do not consume in isolation: a typology of customer copresence influence modes (CCIMs)JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH, 2017
Huh, Young Eun; Vosgerau, Joachim; Morewedge, CareySelective sensitization: consuming a food activates a goal to consume its complementsJOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 2016
Hong, Sungtak; Misra, Kanishka; Vilcassim, Naufel J.The perils of category management: The effect of product assortment on multicategory purchase incidenceJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2016
Valsesia, Francesca; Nunes, Joseph Carlo; Ordanini, AndreaWhat wins awards is not always what I buy: how creative control affects authenticity and thus recognition (but not liking)THE JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, 2016
Rubera, Gaia; Tellis, GerardSpinoffs versus Buyouts: Profitability of Alternate Routes for Commercializing InnovationsSTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 2014
Scopelliti, Irene; Cillo, Paola; Busacca, Bruno Giuseppe; Mazursky, DavidHow Do Financial Constraints Affect Creativity?THE JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 2014
Rubera, Gaia; A. KircaFirm Innovativeness and its Performance Outcomes: A Meta-analytic Review and Theoretical IntegrationJOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2012
Visconti, Luca Massimiliano; J. F. Jr Sherry; Borghini, Stefania; L., AndersonStreet art, sweet art? Reclaiming the "Public" in public placeTHE JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, 2010
Stefania Borghini; J.F. Sherry; A. Joy Attachment to and Detachment from Favorite Stores: An Affordance Theory PerspectiveJournal of Consumer Research, 47, April, 890-913