Paolo Guenzi

I was born in Como in 1969. I always lived in Milano. I got my degree at Università Bocconi, with a major in Marketing, in 1994. Since then, I have worked in the Department of Marketing of Università Bocconi and the Knowledge Group Marketing&Sales of SDA Bocconi School of Management.
I teach Sales Management in the MSci and Personal Selling in the Bachelor Degree. I do my best to be engaging and find the optimal mix between conceptual foundations, practical evidence, and managerial implications of all topics I teach. My extensive experience in teaching Executives helps me provide a real-world flavor to all lectures.
I have two daughters I love. I also love photography, traveling, and practicing several sports.
In 2021 I published my new book on Managing the digital transformation of sales organization. It is the result of 5 years of multiple research projects run on the topic, in the Commercial Excellence Lab of SDA Bocconi School of Management. It summarizes findings and insights from several surveys on hundreds of companies, dozens of interviews with managers from a multiplicity of businesses and industries, many case-based investigations on specific companies.
The organizational drivers of sales force performance, the impact of sales leaders on sales force performance and the digital transformation of sales organizations.
The impact of digital transformation on salespeople: an empirical investigation using the JD-R model
THE JOURNAL OF PERSONAL SELLING & SALES MANAGEMENT, 2021Studying the antecedents and outcome of social media use by salespeople using a MOA framework
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2020It is all in good humor? Examining the impact of salesperson evaluations of leader humor on salesperson job satisfaction and job stress
THE JOURNAL OF PERSONAL SELLING & SALES MANAGEMENT, 2019Cognitive and affective determinants of salesforce performance: a two-wave study
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2018The role of leadership in salespeople’s price negotiation behavior
JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, 2018Beyond the retention - acquisition trade-off: capabilities of ambidextrous sales organizations
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2017Linking data-rich environments with service innovation in incumbent firms: a conceptual framework and research propositions
THE JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 2017The dual mechanism of sales capabilities in influencing organizational performance
JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 2016The combined effect of customer perceptions about a salesperson’s adaptive selling and selling orientation on customer trust in the salesperson: a contingency perspective
THE JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING, 2016The organizational implications of implementing key account management: a case-based examination
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2015How salespeople see organizational citizenship behaviors: an exploratory study using the laddering technique
THE JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING, 2015The influence of formal and informal sales controls on customer-directed selling behaviors and sales unit effectiveness
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2014How to use a sponsorship platform to support an international master brand strategy: The UniCredit UEFA champions league sponsorship
JOURNAL OF BRAND MANAGEMENT, 2014Organizational drivers of salespeople's customer orientation and selling orientation
THE JOURNAL OF PERSONAL SELLING & SALES MANAGEMENT, 2011Interpersonal trust in commercial relationships Antecedents and consequences of customer trust in the salesperson
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2010An empirical investigation of the impact of relationship selling and LMX on salesforce’s behaviours and effectiveness
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2009The Impact of Strategic Account Managers’ Behaviors on Relational Outcomes: An Empirical Study
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2009The sales function in the 21st century: where are we and where do we go from here?
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 2009Dispersion of influence between Marketing and Sales: Its effects on superior customer value and market performance
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2009Relational selling strategy and key account managers’ relational behaviors: an exploratory study
INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 2007The joint contribution of Marketing and Sales to the creation of superior customer value