Gaia Rubera

I am Amplifon Chair in Customer Science and Full Professor of Marketing at Bocconi University, where I am the Head of the Marketing Department. I received my PhD from Bocconi University in 2008. I was the Research Manager of the Center for Global Innovation at the University of Southern California and then Assistant Professor at Michigan State University from 2008 to 2012.
I am Co-Editor of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. I sit in the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of International Business Studies.
I teach a variety of courses in the Graduate School, MBA, and PhD School. My courses are related to Social Media Marketing, Computer Vision, and Marketing Analytics. I also teach Introduction to Python.



Full Professor
Amplifon Chair in Customer Science
Download the cv (150.98 KB)

Forthcoming paper: Giavazzi Francesco, Iglhaut Felix, Lemoli Giacomo, and Rubera Gaia  “Terrorist attacks, cultural incidents, and the vote for radical parties: analyzing text from Twitter”, American Journal of Political Science

I have been recently appointed as Co-Editor of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Research interests

Social media, Business Analytics, Innovation, and Political Marketing.