Bruno Giuseppe Busacca

I am born in Milano, I graduated cum laude in Business Administration, major in Marketing, I am a Full Professor at the Department of Marketing at Bocconi University. I was Dean of Development and Alumni Engagement (from 2016 to 2022), Dean of SDA Bocconi School of Management (from 2012 to 2016), member of the Rectoral Committee and  of the Academic Council at Bocconi University. Previously I was director of the Degree in Business Administration and I served the School of Management as Director of the Masters Division (2009-2012), Director of Executive Education Custom Programs – Corporate Division (2004-2008) and Director of the Marketing Department (1998-2003). I am also academic advisor on issues related to brand valuation, consumer protection and valuation of damages resulting from acts of unfair competition.

Full Professor
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Research interests

Consumer behavior, customer value management, strategic brand management.

Selected Publications