Main factors affecting perceived quality in healthcare: a patient perspective approach

Bellio, Elena; Buccoliero, Luca

Studies about patient experience have often been found to be of poor quality since patients’ involvement has not been fully considered and the effects on quality of care have not been reported (Crawford et al., 2002). Moreover also hospital strategic planning was rarely linked with patient involvement (Daykin et al., 2007). Until now, research on patients’ satisfaction has been focused on environmental or relational items of the patient experience while a comprehensive and holistic approach to the mutual interdependencies of these dimensions has been mostly ignored both by the scientific research and by the health managerial practice (Beattie et al., 2014). The present study aims at providing this incremental value, by analyzing the interdependencies between the main patients’experience items and how they can be combined in order to maximize the positive impacts on patients’experiential satisfaction.