Susanna Caviglia

I am an Associate Professor of Art History at Bocconi University and an Affiliated Associate Professor at Duke University. I took my degrees at the Sapienza University in Rome and the Panthéon-Sorbonne University in Paris. As a tenured professor, I taught at the University of Limoges, the University of Chicago, and Duke Universiry. I have also acquired curatorial expertise working at the Pompidou Centre and the Louvre Museum in Paris among other institutions. I am the Editor-in-Chief of the series The Body in Art (Brepols) and the Field Editor for 18th-century art for I teach classes on Early Modern Visual art and Culture.

Associate Professor
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I am currently working on four main projects: *Book: Through the foreigner’s wandering eye: art, mobility and ecology in French representations of Rome (1580s-1780s). *Edited book: Material Metamorphosis: Natural Resources, Artmaking and Sustainability in the Early Modern World, Brepols Publishers, with Louise Arizzoli. *Article: “De chair ou de marbre? La sculpture classique à l’épreuve du pouvoir haptique au XVIIIème siècle“, Textimage (revisions before submission). *Book chapter: “Dessiner la partie, penser le tout. Fragments corporels et narration au XVIIIe siècle“ in Sarah Munoz and Colin Debuiche (eds.), Dessin et ‘ingenium’ : les voies de la création, Geneva : Droz (under review).

Research interests

I am an art historian of the Early Modern period and my current research into European visual arts and culture bridges five distinct but related topics: art and politics, representations of the body, cross-cultural relations within the Mediterranean world, art and ecology, and the theory and practice of drawing.