Which would you rather visit - a fake tomb or a real one?

Seminars - Brown Bag Series
12:45 - 14:00
via Roentgen, 4th floor, room 4-C4-SR02

A replica of King Tutankhamun’s tomb opened in Egypt and the authorities are hoping that people will choose to visit the copy instead of the original. Tutankhamun’s tomb was untouched for more than 3000 years until archaeologists uncovered it in 1922. From 1922 onwards, the tomb has been a major touristic attraction with more than 1000 people visiting it per day. However, as people visit the tomb, temperature and humidity levels change, making the walls expand and contract, which cause the decorated plaster coming away from the rock face. In 2009, artistic and preservation specialists started to create the replica. In 2013 the replica is opened about 1 km away from the real burial site. The replica is identical to the original. However, people visiting the replica will know that it’s the replica, not the original and the original is only 1 km away from the replica. Why people might prefer to visit the replicas instead of the original is the question that we investigate in this paper.

Gulen Sarial Abi, Bocconi University